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Table 1 Number of over- or under-represented Tn-insertion mutants for each strain after exposure to H2O2

From: Identification of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli genes contributing to oxidative stress response using TraDIS analysis

Species and Strain

No. of over-represented Tn-insertion mutants

No. of under-represented Tn-insertion mutants

C. jejuni 11168

25 (1)


C. coli 15-537360


143 (3)

C. coli CCN182



  1. Over-represented and under-represented Tn-insertion mutants were determined using a Log2 fold change of 2 or -2, respectively, and a q value of less than 0.05. Numbers in parenthesis indicate the number of pseudogenes that were significantly highlighted as under- or over-represented Tn-insertion mutants. Complete lists of genes may be found in Supplementary File 1.xls