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Fig. 2 | BMC Microbiology

Fig. 2

From: Core microbiota drive multi-functionality of the soil microbiome in the Cinnamomum camphora coppice planting

Fig. 2

(A) The number of soil microbial taxa in each phylum under C. camphora planting were illustrated in the pie chart. (B) PCoA plot depicting the core microbiota in the C. camphora coppice planting based on Bray–Curtis distances. (C) Ternary plot of all OTUs detected in the dataset with a relative abundance > 5% in at least one soil sample in the C. camphora coppice planting, where each point corresponds to one out and the size of a point represents the average relative abundance, and the position depicted the contribution of the indicated compartments to the total relative abundance. Colored circles represent OTUs enriched in one compartment compared with the others; green in AL, orange in RZ, and red in TZ, whereas gray circles represent OTUs not significantly enriched in a specific compartment. Note: AL, abandoned land; RZ, root zone; and TZ, transition zone

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