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Table 1 Clinical and microbiological characteristics associated to Staphylococcus aureus isolates from both nares and feces of 21 AD pediatric patients who had at least one MRSA colonization

From: Atopic dermatitis pediatric patients show high rates of nasal and intestinal colonization by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci

  1. -Resistant; - Sensitive; - Positive; - Negative; SCORAD Scoring atopic dermatitis, M mild, MO Moderate, S Severe, F Female, M Male, Pen Penicillin, Ery Erythromycin, Cli Clindamycin, Gen Gentamycin, Tet Tetracycline, Mup Mupirocin, PVL Panton-Valentine leukocidin, SCCmec Staphylococcal chromosome cassete mec, spa Gene coding protein A, BEC Brazilian endemic clone, nt Not typable, nd Not determined, na Not aplicable (MSSA isolate); Bold – isolates belonging to a same clonal lineage and recovered from a same patient