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Table 2 Effect of fermentation times on HA production by AF17 strain

From: Hyaluronic acid production by Klebsiella pneumoniae strain H15 (OP354286) under different fermentation conditions

Fermentation time


Concentrations of HA (mg L−1)

HPLC method

Turbidity method

Carbazole method


748 ± 58.0c

791 ± 64.0c

808 ± 51.0c


860 ± 62.0c

882 ± 113bc

905 ± 104bc


903 ± 116bc

918 ± 171bc

948 ± 88.0bc


1352 ± 116a

1474 ± 156a

1448 ± 115a


1222 ± 68.0ab

1266 ± 164ab

1267 ± 91.0ab

  1. Calculated mean is for triplicate measurements from two independent experiments ± SD; means with different superscripts in the same column are considered statistically different (LSD test, P ≤ 0.05)
  2. Different letters on the bars (a, b, c) indicate significant differences between the data points. Bars with the same letter are not significantly different, while bars with different letters are