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Table 1 Copy number of the transferred plasmids and total carotenoid and ergosterol content of the transformants in comparison with the original M. circinelloides strain

From: Transcription of the three HMG-CoA reductase genes of Mucor circinelloides


Copy number of the plasmida

Total carotenoid content (μg/g [dry weight] ± standard deviations)

Total ergosterol content (mg/g [dry weight] ± standard deviations)



476 ± 56

6.0 ± 0.8

MS12 + pNG1


460 ± 68

5.9 ± 1.1

MS12 + pNG2


741 ± 86*

7.4 ± 0.8

MS12 + pNG3


846 ± 62*

6.5 ± 1.1

  1. aRelative copy number means plasmid copies per the host genome.
  2. Copy number of the plasmids as well as carotenoid and ergosterol content were measured in three independent transformants. In each case, carotenoid and ergosterol extractions and DNA purification were carried out from the same mycelial samples after cultivating the strains on YNB for 4 days under continuous light. Carotenoid and ergosterol contents are presented as averages ± standard deviation. Values followed by * significantly differed from the corresponding value of the MS12 strain according to the two-sample t-test (p < 0.01).