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Fig. 6 | BMC Microbiology

Fig. 6

From: Organization of DNA in a bacterial nucleoid

Fig. 6

Properties of the clusters of enrichment in the MNase resistant fragments. a Average H-NS binding profile around the MNase resistant clusters. Analysis of association of the clusters with the H-NS binding was done using ChIP-seq data obtained in an independent study on the MG1655 E. coli strain in transition-to-stationary growth phase [33]. Y-axis represents relative signal of H-NS binding (z-score computed for the ChIP-Seq tag frequencies reported in [33]); x-axis represents distance from the cluster center. b Relative frequencies of A-tracts in the clusters of enrichment in MNase resistant fragments (red, circles), coding regions (green, triangles), and entire genome (black, squires). c A-tract frequency profile around gene starts (unsmoothed and loess-smoothed frequencies are shown with grey and blue lines, respectively). Green arrow indicates direction of transcription

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