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Table 1 Turnover rates of inorganic nitrogen species by A. terreus isolate An-4 during anaerobic incubation with 15 NO 3 - enrichment (Experiment 2)

From: Dissimilatory nitrate reduction by Aspergillus terreus isolated from the seasonal oxygen minimum zone in the Arabian Sea

Nitrogen species

                          Day 0-3

                          Day 3-17

NO3 - total

−166.5 (33.9)

−76.4 (13.3)

NO2 - total

+3.4 (0.4)

+1.5 (0.3)

NH4 + total

+565.4 (74.8)

+6.1 (12.4)


+5.0 (0.7)

+12.5 (0.9)

15NH4 +

+175.4 (33.7)

+11.1 (6.5)


+0.7 (0.8)

−0.4 (0.2)

  1. Rates were calculated for linear increases or decreases in the amount of the different nitrogen species during the early and late phase of anaerobic incubation. Mean rates (standard error) are given as nmol N g-1 protein h-1. Positive and negative values indicate production and consumption, respectively.