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Table 1 Schema of the phiBIOTICS database entries

From: phiBIOTICS: catalogue of therapeutic enzybiotics, relevant research studies and practical applications

Enzybiotics description


Conventional name of enzybiotic

Recommended name

Full name recommended by UniProt database (submitted or approved)

Systematic name*

Enzyme systematic name according to IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature

Alternative name

Other name(s) in use

UniProt ID

Identifier of corresponding entry in UniProt database

General mode of action

The overall mechanism of antimicrobial action

phiBIOTICS family

Proposed enzybiotic family based upon enzymatic activity

Reaction catalysed

Biochemical reaction catalysed by the enzybiotic

Source organism

Name of the organism from which the enzybiotic was obtained

Target organism

Name of the organism(s) against which the enzybiotic is effective


List of diseases caused by target organisms


Current state of research and application(s)


Paper(s) describing enzybiotics properties

Relevant studies


Antimicrobial agent

Name of applied enzybiotic(s) and other agents eventually

Study type

in vitro or in vivo


Organism(s) used as experimental model


Applied route of administration of the enzybiotics

Relevant results

Significant outcomes of the research study

Adverse effects and other issues*

Manifested side effects (e.g. toxicity, immunogenicity, health issues)


Paper(s) related to the study

  1. * this item is not available for all entries.