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Figure 4 | BMC Microbiology

Figure 4

From: Extensive remodeling of the Pseudomonas syringae pv. avellanae type III secretome associated with two independent host shifts onto hazelnut

Figure 4

Whole-genome phylogenetic relationships among P. syringae strains with evolutionary histories of Pav T3SEs mapped onto branches. Each line within the branches represents one T3SE and indicates when it was acquired or lost by the ancestors of the Pav strains. Dashed lines indicate that a T3SE has become a pseudogene. T3SEs that are present in all Pav strains are indicated in red. Lines representing T3SEs in phylogroup 2 are arbitrarily colored to aid in following them between strains. Phylogroup designations follow [1]. All branches have 100% aLRT support except for the relationships among Pto strains K40, 1108, Max13 and T1.

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