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Archived Comments for: Inositol monophosphate phosphatase genes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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  1. mycothiol biosynthesis starts from Ins-1-P not Ins

    Ralf Stephan, none

    20 August 2010

    The authors claim that inositol and thus, Ins-P phosphatase avtivity, is necessary for mycothiol biosynthesis in M. tuberculosis. This is not the case.

    In short, mycothiol biosynthesis appears to start from inositol-1-phosphate, not inositol, thus doing away with the claimed need for IMPase in mycothiol biosynthesis because inositol-1-phosphate is readily made from glucose-6-phosphate, catalyzed by Ino1.

    G. L. Newton, P. Ta, K. P. Bzymek, and R. C. Fahey. Biochemistry of the initial steps of mycothiol biosynthesis. J Biol Chem, 281(45):33910–20, Nov 2006.
    PMID 16940050

    Ralf Stephan
    Librarian, currently working on bioinformatics annotation of M.tb.

    Competing interests

